
The Ark — Receding Waters

 السفينة — بعد الطوفان 



The biblical tale of Noah echoes global flood myths, where humanity is saved and a new world emerges through the construction of an ark. These myths highlight not just destruction, but acts of design, engineering, and craft that preserve life.


In times of crisis, design transcends its material form, offering new perspectives and preserving cultural knowledge. Jerusalem Design Week shines a light on this, showcasing works that envision a future after the flood. From the various exhibitions dispalyed this year, a selection of design works is presented as a memento from the past Design Week.

“…Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay / Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare, / The lone and level sands stretch far away.”


With these words, Percy B. Shelley, in his celebrated sonnet ‘Ozymandias’, prompts us to remember that remains, outlasting as they are, will too eventually be lost. “Everything flows” said Heraclitus, and in the perpetual flood of time, every memory shall eventually fade, every king shall fall, every loved one lost. Impressions, footprints and trails too, all vanish with time.


If Heraclitus is correct, then time itself is the neverending disappearance of the tangible into oblivion. Take a moment to observe this moment. It is real, yet fleeting, and is gone with the blink of an eye.


Chief Curators: Dana Benshalom, Sonja Olitsky


Opening Hours:
Mon-Thu: 10:00-18:00
Fri: 10:00-14:00
Sat: 10:00-16:00